Sunday, February 9, 2025

New Products

Injection Pump Calibration App
Whether one is calibrating a planter, crop sprayer or injection pump for chemigation, it seems there is always too much time and math involved, making the process an often unwelcomed necessity.

Fortunately, Agri-Inject has made the process of injection pump calibration a snap with a new “Apply Yourself ” app that is appropriate for a wide range of industries. Available for both Android and iOS devices, the Apply Yourself app is designed to take the frustration and guesswork out of calibrating an injection pump for virtually all agricultural, nursery, turf or green industry applications.

To calibrate any Agri-Inject pump, the producer selects the appropriate pump in the app and enters the basic details of the chemical application. The Apply Yourself app immediately offers the proper setting of the pump and the amount of liquid product that pump should deliver during calibration.

The Apply Yourself app includes a handy timer function with both visual and audio alerts to time the calibration event while displaying the exact target volume the user is trying to hit.

Download a free version of the Apply Yourself app, which also includes a function that makes pump calibration quick and easy. Visit, fill out the form and download the app to your device.

To learn more about Agri-Inject or the Apply Yourself app, call 970-848-5336 or 800-4-INJECT, or view the full line of products at

Irrigation Cable Theft Deterrent
Valley Irrigation is adding the innovative Proof Positive Span Cable to its extensive line of cable theft deterrent products. One of the biggest challenges in stopping the epidemic of copper cable theft is proving rightful ownership so thieves can be prosecuted.

Proof Positive Span Cable, manufactured by Southwire Company and sold through Paige Electric Co., is a traceable, theft-deterrent span cable that provides proof of ownership. Valley is the only center- pivot irrigation manufacturer offering Proof Positive Span Cable through its dealer network.

Proof Positive Span Cable is manufactured with unique TraceID codes printed on a tape inside the jacket. Upon sale, ownership data is entered in an online database accessible to recyclers and law enforcement.

A bright yellow outer jacket alerts recyclers – and thieves – that this is traceable cable. Recyclers can instantly identify stolen cable and verify ownership in seconds at

For more information about Proof Positive Span Cable, visit their website

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