Sunday, February 9, 2025

Clemson announces 2022 Peanut Field Day

The 2022 Clemson Extension Peanut Field Day is scheduled for Sept. 8 at the Edisto REC in Blackville, South Carolina.

New varieties, modern technology, disease and weed management, as well as fertilizer requirements and economics are on the agenda for the 2022 Clemson Extension Peanut Field Day Sept. 8 at the Edisto Research and Education Center (REC) in Blackville, South Carolina.

Field day activities get underway with registration from 8-9 a.m. at the Edisto REC, 64 Research Road, Blackville, South Carolina 29817. A field tour is scheduled from 9 a.m. to noon.

Field tour stops include discussions on new and current peanut varieties, as well as disease management by Dan Anco, Clemson Cooperative Extension Service peanut specialist and a report on using precision agriculture in peanuts and measuring yield data by Kendall Kirk, Clemson precision agriculture engineer. Mike Marshall, Clemson weed scientist, will talk about Clethodim control options for Texas panicum in peanut and control options for volunteer peanuts.

Other field tour stops include one where Bhupinder Farmaha, Clemson soil fertility specialist, will discuss gypsum needs for peanut production. Nathan Smith, Clemson Extension agribusiness program team director, will give a update on the peanut market.

Lunch will be served and pesticide credits and continuing education units (CCA) will be available. For information, contact Dan Anco,, or (630) 207-4926.

This information provided by Clemson University at

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