Sunday, February 9, 2025

Spring integrated pest management conference set Feb. 23 in Dallas

Provides full day of expert pesticide applicator continuing education


The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service will hold the Spring 2023 Integrated Pest Management Conference on Feb. 23 in Dallas.

A group on integrated pest management specialists training at the AgriLife Extension IPM house. They enter an attic space looking for pests.
Both agricultural and structural integrated pest management continuing education units are offered at the Spring 2023 IPM Conference on Feb. 23 in Dallas. (Texas A&M AgriLife photo)

The training will be from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. at the Water and Land Resources Building of the Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center at Dallas, 17360 Coit Road.

The cost is $85 if registered by Feb. 17 at 5 p.m. at After that date or at the door, the cost is $100. A barbeque lunch is included. Call 979-845-2604 for questions regarding registration.

Texas Department of Agriculture continuing education units are available for both agricultural and structural applicators. Three general, one integrated pest management and one laws and regulations units will be offered. Participants must enter their correct TDA license number at registration and attend the full day to receive credit.

“We invite all licensed applicators to join us for our annual spring pest management training – a full day of pesticide applicator continuing education from AgriLife Extension experts,” said Bryant McDowell, AgriLife Extension integrated pest management specialist, Dallas, and event organizer. “This really is the premier pesticide conference available in North Texas, and we look forward to bringing our participants the latest news and innovations from our industry.”

There will also be industry vendors onsite and participants will have time to visit with them. Vendors may still reserve a table. Contact Sharon Harris at 979-952-9201 or

Integrated pest management topics, speakers

Participants will receive updates on pesticide laws, pest biology and identification, and pest management strategies. The topics and speakers are as follows:

  • Integrated Pest Management and Texas Ant Pests, Robert Puckett, Ph.D., AgriLife Extension entomologist, Bryan-College Station.
  • Pests of the East Texas Ornamental Industry, Rafia Khan, Ph.D., AgriLife Extension entomologist, Overton.
  • Managing Your Outdoor Environment Using IPM, Janet Hurley, AgriLife Extension integrated pest management specialist, Dallas.
  • Laws and Regulations, Don Renchie, Ph.D., AgriLife Extension program leader and coordinator for the pesticide safety education program, Bryan-College Station.
  • Integrated Pest Management in Lawns and Turfgrasses – Weed Control, Laura Miller, AgriLife Extension horticulture agent, Tarrant County.


Susan Himes is a writer and media relations specialist for Texas A&M AgriLife. She may be reached at

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