By Amanda Huber
As I walked out onto the porch this morning, cup of coffee in hand, to enjoy the morning sunshine, three chickens ran out from under the porch. Uh-Oh. Someone forgot to shut the chicken coop door last night. It happens.
Chickens are a new addition to my life. We did not have them growing up. It really came about as one of those things grandparents sit around and think up as an idea that would be great for the grandkids, but really you get to do all the work. Anybody out there have the same problem? Again, it happens.
I have come to really like the chickens, though. They are funny to watch, they go right to their coop at dusk and put themselves to bed (as long as someone remembers to shut the door). They aren’t too loud, but they are extremely nosy. Once they are let out in the afternoons, if you are doing anything outside, they will be right there to see what you are doing. Get off the lawn tractor, don’t be surprised to come back to find a chicken in your seat.
Best of all, I haven’t had to buy eggs in more than six months now. As for today’s egg collection, with the chickens already out, it will be more of an Easter egg hunt. We can adapt to this change in our normal procedure.
Farmers are really the best at adapting to changing situations. There is always something different, from new varieties to weather issues, that producers must adapt to. This planting season offers producers a pretty big hurdle to jump, and that’s the possible loss of Temik to use at planting. Producers everywhere are asking Extension specialists lots of question about alternatives in case Temik is not available. Information from Dr. Bob Kemerait, University of Georgia Extension plant pathologist, can be found on page 11.
As producers always do, you will find some way to adapt to this situation and make the best crop possible.