Crop Report By States

At the recent National Peanut Buying Points meeting, University of Georgia Extension specialist Scott Monfort offered the following reports from his counterparts throughout the peanut belt. Besides highlighting last year’s acreage, yield and conditions, the specialists also offered projections for 2018.

Naveen Puppala
About 5,000 acres and an average of 2,200 pounds per acre. Challenges include seed, stand, rotations and disease concerns. Germination has been erratic in all market types this year and there were unusually cold temperatures in May. The biggest issue is water. Organic contracts are up to $1,500 per ton with about 18,000 acres of organic production in West Texas and New Mexico.

Jason Woodward
Jason Woodward
Texas Agri-Life
Plant Pathologist

2017 could end up as much as 180,000 to 200,000 acres. Dryland acres were never harvested. The state average yield was 3,700 pounds per acre, with exceptional yields in some areas of 7,000+ pounds and grades over 80 percent. Fluctuations in soil moisture early in the growing season led to an increase in Aspergillus crown rot. Pod rot continues to be the primary disease. In 2018 – irrigated acres will remain stable with dryland continuing to decline due to generic acres.

Travis Faske
Producers planted 29,000 acres with a few thousand acres in Missouri. The state averaged 5,040 pounds per acre, but grades were down some. Sclerotinia popped up in a couple of fields, along with late leaf spot. In 2018, no changes are expected but it depends on contracts. There has been good weather at harvest the past two years.

Jason Sarver
A little more than 42,000 acres were planted in 2017, with an average yield of about 4,400 pounds per acre. While most insect and disease problems were average for the year, more intense pressure came from peanut leaf spot, both early and late. Acreage is expected to be slightly reduced for this year.

John Damicone
In 2017, 20,000 acres were planted with an average yield of 3,700 pounds per acre. It was a good year with above-average rain and below-normal temperatures. Foliar diseases were an issue with the increased moisture. Web blotch was severe on Spanish-type peanuts. On Oct. 27, a freeze impacted maturity of runner-type peanuts. In 2018, fewer acres are expected, depending on contracts.

Maria Balota
In 2017, 23,333 acres were planted and averaged 4,476 pounds per acre. Overall, it was very good year for peanuts with no incidents. Acres are likely to drop in 2018. A new high-oleic Bailey has been released and offers higher yields than regular Bailey.

David Jordan
David Jordan
North Carolina
State University
Extension Agronomist

The average yield of 4,100 pounds per acre was achieved in 2017 on 120,000 acres. Weather was good across the region with no major disease, but spotted wilt incidence was higher and there has also been an increase in leafspot disease. In 2018, acres will be down to about 105,000 acres. Farmers are concerned about resistance of all major groups of pesticides, fungicides, insecticides and even herbicides.

Dan Anco
In 2017, 118,000 acres were planted with an average yield of 3,808 pounds per acre. Weather was very favorable overall. Volunteer peanuts from the two previous years may be the reason for the increase in leafspot, and TSWV was also increased. Acres in 2018 are expected to be down to 117,000 acres, and there is concern regarding the expected chlorothalonil and generic tebuconzole shortages, plus increased input prices and lower contracts.

David Wright
The state’s producers planted 180,000 acres in 2017 and averaged 3,650 pounds per acre. Some yield was lost due to storms and cloudy weather plus nematode issues. Yields were down on deep sands in Suwannee Valley and even in Jackson County. Some of these acres have been in peanuts for 15 to 25 years.

Kris Balkcom
In 2017, planted acres totaled 195,000 and averaged 3,550 pounds per acre. Late-season rains increased disease pressure and caused some yield loss because of the inability to harvest on time. Acreage in 2018 is expected down 10 percent.

Scott Monfort
Scott Monfort
University of Georgia

Acreage planted in 2017 by Georgia producers totaled 828,713 and averaged 4,300 pounds per acre. However, grades were high in the range of 75 to 80. Non-irrigated peanuts had higher yields than normal. Irrigated peanuts also had good average yields, but growers reported losses up to 750 pounds per acre on irrigated. Problems reported included poor vigor, chemical injury, Aspergillus crown rot and nematode damage. Acreage in 2018 is expected to be reduced to around 710,000 acres. PG

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