What does the coming season hold for you? How can you prepare for success? What production management strategies and tools can help increase your yield?
Here’s what you’ll discover in this issue of The Peanut Grower Inoculant Guide:
- The economics of inoculants — learn more about the potential for increasing yield and getting the most out of your investment.
- BASF solutions for peanut growers, including an update on products registered for use in peanuts, including Prowl® H2O herbicide, Outlook® herbicide and Cadre® herbicide.
- 2016 planning and preparation overview — things to know.
- Interviews and insights from Justin Clark, BASF Technical Market Specialist, and Sandy Newell, BASF Senior Technical Service Representative.
- An overview of the Grow Smart™ approach — learn how it can help you achieve more and move beyond the status quo.
We hope you find this year’s Inoculant Guide to be a valuable resource. Let’s Grow Smart together and get you the most, acre after acre, season after season. Here’s to a successful 2016.