Cotton Varieties Made for Peanut Country


Perfect Peanut Partner, Russell Nuti stands in a field holding up a cotton crop.

For farmers planting cotton near peanuts, one simple change makes management a whole lot easier.

Throughout the South, cotton and peanuts are a common rotation with fields planted near one another — sometimes across the turnrow. Producers growing cotton and peanuts have long dealt with the challenge of 2,4-Db applications drifting from peanuts into cotton. With dicamba-tolerant cotton, the problem doubled: Growers had to avoid both 2,4-Db drift from peanuts into dicamba-tolerant cotton and dicamba from cotton into peanuts.

Now there’s a better fit for cotton planted near peanuts — what some are calling the “perfect peanut partner.” PhytoGen® W3FE varieties have the Enlist® cotton trait for labeled applications of Enlist One® and Enlist Duo® herbicides with 2,4-D choline. Because growers commonly use 2,4-Db to control weeds in peanuts, there are distinct synergies between crops.

“You can plant peanuts adjacent to PhytoGen W3FE varieties and spray Enlist herbicides in your cotton even if peanuts are downwind, because peanuts are considered a compatible crop in the product use guide for Enlist herbicides,” said Russell Nuti, Ph.D., PhytoGen cotton development specialist. “Another advantage is that growers can spray Enlist One herbicide or Enlist Duo herbicide on their PhytoGen W3FE varieties, triple rinse the tank, and then spray 2,4-Db in their peanuts. Because they never have to put dicamba in the tank, growers have the option to increase efficiency by using one sprayer for both crops.”

Nuti also pointed out that PhytoGen W3FE varieties come with other advantages. Fields planted to a cotton-and-peanut rotation often have high populations of root-knot and reniform nematodes. Many PhytoGen W3FE varieties offer built-in resistance to both of those nematodes, protecting roots and allowing plants to make better use of available water and fertilizer. That’s especially important during hot summer days later in the season when less water is available. Plus, PhytoGen cottonseed is well-known for early season vigor, helping plants get off to a great start. Add in high yield potential, and you get a great package for growing cotton in peanut country,” Nuti said. “PhytoGen W3FE varieties truly are the perfect peanut partner.”

For videos and more information about the Perfect Peanut Partner, visit

™ ® Enlist, Enlist Duo, Enlist One, PhytoGen and the PhytoGen Logo are trademarks of Corteva Agriscience and its affiliated companies. Enlist Duo® and Enlist One® herbicides are not registered for sale or use in all states or counties. Contact your state pesticide regulatory agency to determine if a product is registered for sale or use in your area. Enlist Duo and Enlist One herbicides are the only 2,4-D products authorized for use with Enlist® crops. Consult Enlist herbicide labels for weed species controlled. Always read and follow label directions. © 2023 Corteva.

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