Think you have what it takes to be in the “Group of 60”? Consider entering the North Carolina Peanut Production Contest.
For many years the North Carolina Peanut Growers Association, in cooperation with North Carolina State Extension, has supported a peanut production contest at county and state levels and a luncheon to recognize farmers producing an average of at least 5,000 pounds per acre on all of their production.
Information in Table 8-1 shows the average yield of the 5,000-pound club members from 2014 to 2018 in contrast with state averages and growers attending county production meetings.
Entries should be sent to Bob Sutter ( and David Jordan (david_jordan@ncsu. edu) by Jan. 20 to be eligible. Growers with a point total of 60 or more will also be recognized as a member of “The Group of Sixty.” Achieving 60 points is truly remarkable.
For complete guidelines, visit NC State Extension.