One good warm day and my kids break out the shorts and flip flops. By the second warm day, they are wanting to know when they can get in the pool. Their dad and I have to assure them, or even let them dip their tootsies in the pool for a test feel, that it is not warm enough to make that leap just yet. Patience for continued warm weather and for that small body of water to heat up is not something that comes easy to kids.
But I wonder, are you just as anxious to get peanuts in the ground?
Only a couple years ago, new varieties with increased disease resistance made it possible for producers to return to planting in April. However, in 2014, skippy stands were more widely reported than in the past several years. Possible reasons for the field gaps ranged from germination issues with certain varieties to adverse weather conditions and, possibly, lack of attention to details in the planting process.
In an effort to help producers achieve that uniform germination they need for a good stand of peanuts, researchers have updated the soil temperature requirement from 65 degrees Fahrenheit to 68 degrees for at least three consecutive days. Both Scott Monfort, University of Georgia, and Kris Balkcom, Auburn University, talk about soil temperature at planting and other considerations in Peanut Pointers on page 22.
Another recommendation comes from Tim Brenneman, University of Georgia plant pathologist.
He notes that although all peanut seed are treated with a fungicide, the addition of an in-furrow application of azoxystrobin (Abound and related generic products, now) has shown good results with seedling disease, even at rates as low as 2.9 fluid ounces per acre for single rows or 5.8 fluid ounces per acre for twin rows.
Brenneman says that this product works especially well on Aspergillus species, which can be the most troublesome seed pathogens, and is compatible with liquid inoculants also applied in-furrow.
By following these recommendations and paying attention to those small details, such as handling your seed with care, skippy stands in 2015 will be few and far between.