2013 Variety Guide


Peanut varieties of today have resistance to multiple diseases and can usually yield well even under disease pressure. Because of this resistance, producers are encouraged to plant in April once again in order to make sure the crop is fully mature before cold weather hits. The best variety choice is still one that will achieve a rapid, uniform stand and provide good yields and grades over a wide range of growing conditions. With so many varieties to choose from, careful consideration should go into this part of your planting decision.

Many factors affect the decision of what variety to plant including field history, irrigation, planting and harvest capabilities, seed availability and quality and marketing. On a field-by-field basis, weigh all of these factors to determine how the variety may fit into your situation and on your farming operation.

Study the variety descriptions and the trial data. If you are thinking of planting a new variety, follow up by asking questions of researchers and other growers about their experiences with those varieties. Do your homework on variety choices and possible markets to get this season off to a good start.

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