New Seed Treatment: CruiserMaxx Peanuts

This product combines an insecticide and fungicide for maximum protection.

For protection of the peanut crop beginning with the seed going into the ground, producers have always relied on seed treatments. Now, Syngenta Crop Protection is offering CruiserMaxx Peanuts, the first seed treatment with both an insecticide and fungicide for maximum protection.

CruiserMaxx Peanuts offers growers convenient, seed-delivered protection in their fight against damaging pests, featuring Cruiser PD insecticide and Dynasty PD fungicide.

Go For Early Protection
The insecticide component is a systemic with a broad range of protection against sucking and chewing insects. The active ingredient, thiamethoxam, moves quickly into the plant and targets the nervous system of pests, causing mortality 24 to 48 hours after exposure.

The fungicide component, Dynasty PD, offers excellent plantability and coverage as well as protection against damaging soilborne and seedborne diseases, including fusarium, Rhizoctonia, Pythium and others, plus suppression of white mold.

Providing effective protection from day one, CruiserMaxx Peanuts will also help increase vigor, improve stand establishment and increase yield and quality potential by providing protection to peanuts before the seed even germinates.

Convenience An Advantage
Steven Pittman, a producer in Norfolk, Va., says that he saw several advantages with CruiserMaxx Peanuts seed treatment.

“For starters, it’s applied directly to the seed. You literally just dump the peanuts in the planter and go. No tank-mixing, no calibrating your planter, no handling chemicals…it really makes for a more efficient operation.

“On top of that, I noticed the CruiserMaxx-treated peanuts actually looked healthier under thrips pressure than our untreated peanuts.”

Pittman says he plans to use the seed treatment again.

Chad Chandler, vice president of farmerstock acquisitions at McClesky Mills, Smithville, Ga., says that producers can go for the added benefit of both insect and early season disease control in the new seed treatment.

“The fact that it’s a premix means the grower doesn’t have to deal with the granular insecticide component, which takes mixing and calibration out of the equation and makes application considerably more convenient,” Chandler says. “Our growers who used CruiserMaxx Peanuts last year want to continue using it and plan to use it on all of their acres.”

CruiserMaxx Peanuts offers:
• Increased plant stand, uniformity  and vigor
• Improved yield potential
• Protection of every peanut seed
• Activity against a broad spectrum of insect pests
• More robust and vigorous plants

Add Foliar Application To Boost Thrips Control
Ames Herbert, Extension entomologist with Virginia Tech’s Tidewater Agricultural Research and Extension Center in Suffolk, worked with Syngenta’s peanut insecticide seed treatment for four years, both in small plot tests on the research station and in producers’ fields. He says that in talking with Dr. Rick Brandenburg at North Carolina State University, they both agree that this relatively new thrips control option offers an effective and convenient option for peanut growers.

“Under low thrips pressure, I think growers will be pleased with what they see,” Herbert says. “Under moderate-to-high thrips pressure, an additional foliar application will be needed to boost and prolong the control.”

For more information on CruiserMaxx Peanuts, go to their Web site at or contact your Syngenta Crop Protection Representative.

Syngenta Crop Protection contributed to this article.

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