⋅ By Amanda Huber ⋅
A new runner-type peanut variety from the program of Barry Tillman, peanut breeder at the University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Science, North Florida Research and Education Center in Marianna, may be an answer to the resurging Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus.
The new variety — FloRun™ ‘T61’ — is in the seed increase stage and is a couple years away from being available to growers but will be one to watch for in coming variety trials.
Top Yielder In Trials
Tillman says the pod yield of FloRun T61 has been better than Georgia-06G in tests across several Florida locations over the past two years.
FloRun™ ‘T61’
• Very good tolerance to TSWV; moderately susceptible to leaf spot; moderate resistance to white mold.
• Medium runner seed size.
• Medium maturity range of approximately 140 days.
• Yield potential similar to Georgia-O6G, grade in upper 70s.
• In seed increase
“In several years of testing, FloRun T61 has proven to resist Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus and produce high yields when disease pressure from TSWV reduced yield of other varieties,” Tillman says. “In 2021, it performed very well in three on-farm demonstration plots in Florida, topping the yield in two of the three locations.”
FloRun T61 has a medium seed size with about 650 seeds per pound and just over 40% medium kernels on an in-shell basis. Vine growth is moderate, allowing good performance in twin rows without excessive vine production. Maturity is in the medium range of 140 to 145 days after planting under irrigation in Florida. FloRun T61 is a high oleic variety.
The “T” in FloRun T61 signifies the outstanding resistance to TSWV. Tillman says when he first came to the UF research station in 2004, TSWV was significant every year. By 2010, with the introduction of some varietal tolerance and the use of Peanut Rx, it was not the problem it had once been.
“We’ve seen a real resurgence of TSWV in the panhandle of Florida in the past three to four years,” he says.
Outstanding TSWV Resistance
While breeders have made significant progress with varietal resistance to TSWV, in leaf spot and white mold it has not been as forthcoming.
“There is some tolerance, just not as much as we have accomplished with TSWV. However, it does appear that resistance is coming in the future. U.S. Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service scientist Corley Holbrook is working on peanut lines traced back to the wild species that he says are exhibiting high levels of resistance to leaf spot.
“We can look forward to leaf spot resistance in the future, but for now fungicide programs continue to be an important aspect to peanut production.”
Where leaf spot and white mold are concerned, Tillman says there is always some risk of disease in the field, and that’s why a fungicide program is so important.
Closing The Gap
Another critical component to achieving yield potential is rotation. Yield potential is the type of yields that can be achieved under optimum conditions as opposed to what is typically attained under normal farm conditions. The difference is often about 2,000 to 2,500 pounds per acre.
“How do you achieve yield potential? The first step is rotation. You must have a good rotation. In many cases, rotation is the key to achieving yield potential in varieties.”
Tillman says in looking at Peanut Rx, if you change the crop rotation factor one to two years, you will see a lot more medium risk for leaf spot and white mold.
“At three years, there will be medium risk. You can increase the years, but you’ll never have less than medium risk for leaf spot and white mold. I do think we’ll see higher yield potential from some of these new breeding lines in the future.” PG