New Biorational From Valent
Valent recently announced the launch of MycoApply EndoPrime for corn, peanuts and cotton. MycoApply EndoPrime is applied in-furrow and uses four unique species of mycorrhizal fungi to help improve nutrient efficiency, drought tolerance and yield potential.
MycoApply EndoPrime colonizes the root system of the plant and creates filaments known as hyphae that attach to root hairs, which extend into areas of the soil that are inaccessible to the roots. In addition to reaching further, the hyphae produce enzymes that release nutrients tied up in the soil and also create vesicles to store resources until they are needed by the plant.
This unique activity is what allows the root system to go where it never has before and give growers the ability to increase yield potential.
Upper Midwest growers evaluated MycoApply EndoPrime in their cornfields as part of a 2017 national trial demonstration and 57 percent of growers saw a fuller/bigger root mass compared to untreated corn. In drought conditions, one producer noted a 15-bushel yield increase in comparison to the untreated side.
For spring of 2018, Valent has developed an optimized formulation of MycoApply EndoPrime that will pre-slurry more easily. For more information on MycoApply EndoPrime, visit or contact your local Valent sales representative.
New Fungicide Seed Treatment
From Arysta LifeScience, Rancona V PD is a new seed treatment that protects against key diseases. Rancona V PD contains three fungicides — ipconazole, carboxin and metalaxyl, which provides both contact and systemic activity and leads to broad-spectrum control of key peanut diseases including seed rot as well as damping-off and seedling blight caused by Rhizoctonia, Fusarium and Pythium.
It also may be used for partial control of early season crown rot caused by seedborne Aspergillus niger, early season stem rot caused by Sclerotium rolfsii and early season black rot caused by seedborne Cylindrocladium parasiticum.
Features and benefits include an easy-to-use dust formulation. The three fungicides combine to improve germination, seedling vigor and plant health by protecting against key early season diseases.
New Website Resource
Atticus is pleased to announce the launch of a new corporate website to support U.S. row crop, specialty agriculture and professional market communities with convenient modern features and functionality.
The website,, offers best-in-class search capabilities to instantly match customer needs with relevant Atticus branded-generic fungicide, herbicide and insecticide solutions based on any term or comparable brand.
The new site introduces current and future customers to the Atticus culture of excellence that brings pesticide professionals and growers the right products, at the best value, with efficacy, availability and service they can trust. Agriculture and turf professionals can find the latest news on Atticus’ rapid growth at the new website, which plans several focused off-patent product launches across the coming months.
Based in Cary, N.C., Atticus LLC manufactures a growing portfolio of relevant branded-generic fungicides, herbicides and insecticides for the U.S. row crop, specialty agriculture and professional market. American-owned, privately held and personally financed, Atticus is vested in being the off-patent company with the experience and insight to better support customers.
New Products From Helm
Helm Agro US, Inc. announces the launch of four new crop protection products in the first quarter of 2018. In total, Helm now has 19 crop protection products in its U.S. portfolio for the row crop, specialty crop and horticultural markets.
Helm’s latest introductions stem from market demand for high quality formulations that can compete against market leading brands in both performance and economic value.
New Helm offerings include the following:
Argus Ultra herbicide is a co-formulation of metolachlor and mesotrione. Approved on field corn, sweet corn, yellow popcorn and grain sorghum, Argos Ultra combats hard to manage grasses and small-seeded broadleaf weeds. It also defeats weed biotypes resistant to glyphosate, ALS-inhibiting, PPO and triazine herbicides.
Quiz herbicide is a premier single-pass tool for controlling annual and perennial grasses on soybeans, cotton, canola, dry beans, sugar beets, sunflowers and other crops, plus non-crop areas. The product will control volunteer corn in glyphosate-tolerant soybeans.
Helmet and Helmet SPC herbicides are Helm’s new metolachlor offerings for grass and small-seeded broadleaf control in corn, cotton, sorghum, potatoes, soybeans, tomatoes and other crops.
Available in easy-to-use emulsifiable concentrate formulations, Helmet and Helmet SPC can be applied alone or in a planned two-pass program.
For more information, visit