Peanut producer, Scott Murphy, shares his experience using a whole-farm management program.
Given the complexities of farming today, the risk that must be shouldered by the producer and the need to make sure every decision is what’s best for the farm as a whole, some producers may be looking for that edge that’s more than record-keeping software. AgriEdge Excelsior is a program that combines total-farm management with record-keeping software and personalized, on-farm support to take the guesswork out of production and profit potential.
From Syngenta Crop Protection, AgriEdge Excelsior combines a comprehensive product portfolio, farm management software, an opportunity for shared risk and a dedicated team of professionals to help throughout the season.
Enrolling in the AgriEdge Excelsior program means that you will receive unmatched data and record-keeping access through Land.db software developed by Ag Connections. The software captures all information associated with a farm, including yield, timing of sprays, compliance reporting, as well as input costs and return on investment, then tracks, measures and examines each acre to see if it’s profitable.
AgriEdge Excelsior Q & A
Peanut producer Scott Murphy farms with his father and uncle at Murphy and Murphy Farms in Snow Hill, N.C. Together, they grow about 1,400 acres of row crops including corn, soybeans, peanuts and sweet potatoes. They also have 15 swine houses and six poultry houses. Scott talks about his experience with AgriEdge Excelsior.
Q. What is your experience with the AgriEdge Excelsior program and Land.db software?
A. This will be my third season using the AgriEdge Excelsior program. My first year, I concentrated on just getting all the applications down. I used other programs in the past that ended up not being as easy to use and became too much hassle. After completing that, the second year, I began to take on more in-depth tasks that Land.db offers such as input task of products and applications. This year, I hope to add even more information such as pre-plans and payments.
As prices of all crops across the board are at such a low level, I will rely on AgriEdge Excelsior more than ever to keep my cost and break-even points at a manageable level.
Q. How does the software influence your decision-making?
A. Land.db influences my decision-making by letting me know exactly how much money I have in a particular crop or even a particular field at any given moment in the season. This can be important as break-even points are tight with low grain prices.
Q. What is an example of how you use the information to make decisions?
A. This will be my third season using the program, and the information allows me to compare previous years with what is going on currently. It’s easier to make improvements on past mistakes and remember exactly what went wrong when that information is easily accessible on Land.db.
For more information on Syngenta’s AgriEdge Excelsior program, visit
Article submitted on behalf of Syngenta Crop Protection.