Section 18 Label For Brake Herbicide

A Section 18 label for Brake herbicide to use against resistant Palmer amaranth has been approved in certain states. 

Alabama received approval from the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industry in 32 counties. In Mississippi, 37 counties were granted the Section 18 exemption. Contact your Extension agent or state Extension peanut specialist for information on your state and county. Producers can take advantage of this label in the 2022 season. 

Application Tips

Alabama Cooperative Extension weed scientist Steve Li offers these key points regarding the new label:

1. Brake can only be applied to runner-type varieties; do not apply to Spanish or Valencia varieties.

2. Use a rate of 12 to 16 ounces per acre depending on soil type. Do not apply more than 16 ounces per acre per year. Multiple year data from Alabama suggests sufficient peanut tolerance to 16 ounces per acre of Brake when applied pre-emergent.

3. Brake can be applied 14 days prior to planting until 72 hours after planting. Do not spray Brake on emerged peanut as severe injury will occur.

4. Plant-back restrictions are zero months on cotton and peanut, two months on soybean and sweet potato, eight months on wheat, barley and rye, 10 months on corn and sorghum.

5. Tank-mixing Brake with another peanut residual herbicide is highly recommended to defer herbicide resistance and increase the spectrum of weed control. Dual Magnum, Outlook, Warrant, Prowl H2O, Valor and Strongarm are tank-mix partners with Brake for pre-emergent and pre-plant applications.

6. Brake is a good alternative for Palmer amaranth control when Valor splashing injury is a concern.

7. Brake works on cover crop residues and no-till fields in previous field trials funded by Alabama Peanut Producers Association check-off. One-half inch of rain or irrigation is sufficient to fully activate this herbicide. PG

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