Thursday, January 23, 2025

New Products

VRI QuickStart Prescription
Valley Irrigation introduces the addition of QuickStart (QS) prescription writing to its Variable Rate Irrigation (VRI) product, allowing growers to customize water applications throughout their field.

The Valley VRI Agronomy Team develops the one-time, custom QS prescription based on soil maps, aerial imagery, yield data and other relevant information about the field provided by the grower. When this information is provided with new orders, the QS prescription is preloaded in new Valley Select2 and Pro2 control panels.

QuickStart prescriptions are also available to growers with existing center pivots wanting to use Variable Rate Irrigation through panel upgrades and by using TrackNET and BaseStation2 products.

Along with their field-specific, custom prescription, growers will also receive a copy of the Valley VRI Prescription Software. With this program, growers have the ability to modify and generate their own prescriptions as field conditions and crop requirements change. In addition, they can work with other precision ag companies to further enhance their VRI prescriptions.

For more information on QS prescriptions for VRI, contact your local Valley dealer or visit

Bumper Fungicide EPA Approved
Bumper ES fungicide, manufactured by MANA, has received approval by the EPA for its new formulation that provides broad-spectrum control of foliar fungal diseases on corn, soybeans, sorghum and other crops.

Bumper ES has an advanced propiconazole formulation that performs at levels equivalent to emusifiable concentrate (EC) products but with improved environmental, handling and safety qualities.

Bumper ES offers significant improvements in ease of use and convenience versus competitive delivery platforms. It also minimizes environmental concerns by reducing impacts on air quality, and it hosts a “caution” signal word on its label.

Delivering uncompromised performance in preventive and curative disease management, Bumper ES is classified as a FRAC Group 3 fungicide. It is currently registered for use on peanuts, corn, soybeans, plus almonds, berries, cereals, citrus, pecans, rice, sorghum, stone fruit, sugarcane and tree nuts.

Information about MANA can be found online at

New Sulphur Storage Facility
H.J. Baker’s Tiger-Sul Products says to better serve their customers they have completed construction on a new 1,500- ton molten sulphur storage tank at their facility in Atmore, Ala.

According to the company, the new storage tank will ensure their ability to meet current customer needs and that of future customers.

The upgrade to the Atmore facility is in addition to H.J. Baker’s recent announcement of Tiger-Sul Products (Canada) Co.’s purchase of its Irricana, Alberta, Canada sulphur plant. The Irricana plant will allow for increased production of sulphur bentonite fertilizer and the capability of sulphur forming in the future.

For more information on H.J. Baker & Bro., Inc. visit their Web site at

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