Friday, February 14, 2025

Thank You, Peanut Industry

11-13PGcvrYour generosity will help those in need.
Starting with its first issue published in 1989, The Peanut Grower has been a reliable and trusted resource for growers and industry, providing readers with the latest production, research and market news.

To commemorate the 25th Anniversary and in keeping with its mission of service to the industry, One Grower Publishing chose to donate a percentage of all of the congratulatory ad revenue to Peanut Proud, the peanut industry’s humanitarian effort. This non-profit organization provides aid to victims of natural disasters, domestic hunger relief, and distributes college scholarships to students studying food safety.

“I would like to personally thank those who purchased a congratulatory ad in this anniversary issue,” says Lia Guthrie, One Grower vice president and publisher. “Because of your support, we will be donating $2,325 to the Peanut Proud’s humanitarian effort to assist them in providing support to disaster relief areas.

“We are honored to be a part of this industry and appreciate your support in helping us provide profitable production strategies throughout the years,” Guthrie says.

A United Effort
Gregg Grimsley, who serves as president of the organization, says it is very important to have industry wide support for Peanut Proud and that one of the founding principles for Peanut Proud was to unite the peanut industry toward humanitarian efforts.

“The donation given through the ad campaign demonstrates the commitment from the industry,” Grimsley says. “I believe that it will be only through this broad-based support that Peanut Proud will be successful.”

On a more micro level, Grimsley says, the money is critical to their efforts to continue to feed people in need throughout the 11 peanut producing states.

“We have delivered Peanut Proud peanut butter to food banks in all 11 states including the disaster relief effort after the Moore, Okla., and Oklahoma City tornadoes. This has taken a significant financial commitment by Peanut Proud, and it is only through the generosity of people and organizations like The Peanut Grower that the humanitarian effort can be sustained.”

The Peanut Proud Peanut Festival is scheduled for March 22, 2014, in the town square in Blakely, Ga. Thank You For Helping Peanut Grower Celebrate 25 Years and For Supporting Peanut Proud:

Amadas Industries
83 Farms
National Peanut Buying Points
Birdsong Peanuts
National Peanut Board
Golden Peanut Company
Kelley Manufacturing Co.
American Peanut Council
Southeastern Peanut Farmer’s
Virginia, North Carolina and South
Carolina Peanut Growers Associations

Thank You!

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