Thursday, January 16, 2025

Pesticide Roundup

06-13PGcvrET Broadleaf Herbicide
A broadleaf herbicide from Nichino America, ET is now approved for postemergence use in peanuts. ET is also registered on various other crops such as soybean, corn and wheat for preplant burndown and postemergence use.

ET brings an alternative chemistry for resistance management against ALS and glyphosate-resistant weed species.

In a press release, Nichino America states that the key benefit of ET is its ability to improve control of hemp sesbania, Florida pusley, Florida beggarweed, carpetweed, and particularly morningglory when added to a tankmix of paraquat, Cadre or 2,4-DB.

ET should be tankmixed with other herbicides, especially Basagran and paraquat, and, according to Nichino, it adds power to the tankmix for more complete control of tough broadleaf weeds. Weed control begins within hours of application, reducing competition with the crop for moisture and nutrition. ET is an economical alternative to standard peanut herbicides.

University researchers will continue to look at this herbicide offering from Nichino, but preliminary results show that ET has resulted in significant weed control improvements in a few instances but not all the time. ET also has minimal/ no activity on annual grasses, sicklepod and tropical spiderwort; it is another PPO herbicide; and ET will cause some short-term foliar injury.

For further information, contact your Extension agent or weed specialist. Information from Nichino can be found at

Transform Insecticide Now Registered
Dow AgroSciences recently announced the federal registration of Transform WG insecticide. Transform is a fast-acting insecticide from a proprietary, new class of chemistry that controls sucking and piercing insects, such as tarnished plant bugs, aphids and fleahoppers. Sulfoxaflor, the active ingredient, is a novel chemistry that provides producers with an effective new resistance management tool.

“We’ve put Transform in rigorous university field trials for six years, and we’re confident Transform will provide the insect control cotton growers need to maximize yield and lint quality,” says Phil Jost, portfolio marketing leader for Dow AgroSciences. “It offers the effective control of sapfeeding insects necessary to protect yield and increase profit potential.”

Controlling tarnished plant bugs has become increasingly difficult in recent years as resistance to neonicotinoids, pyrethroids and organophosphates develops. The unique chemistry of Transform WG insecticide, which is the only Group 4C insecticide in the cotton market, offers producers a valuable rotational tool.

Transform controls insects at a very low-use rate while maintaining most beneficial insects and not flaring aphids or mites. Transform WG insecticide also can be applied by either air or ground and offers excellent residual control.

Visit for more information.

Early Season Weed Management Tips From BASF
Managing weeds before they emerge provides the foundation for success – whatever challenges the season brings. Staying on top of unexpected challenges in 2013 will help deliver the farm management flexibility today’s farmers need to increasingly drive success.

“To combat inevitable challenges like weather, workload and weed resistance, we recommend a solid foundation of weed control,” said Luke Bozeman, Technical Market Manager, BASF.

Benefit No. 1 – Start Clean
Research has demonstrated the importance of early season control to minimize weed competition.

“If you miss weeds early, they get bigger and tougher to control, potentially requiring multiple applications, higher use rates for effective control, and placing more pressure on the timing of a post application, likely costing more money,” said Bozeman. “Sometimes, no effective options exist once the weeds become established.”

Benefit No. 2 – Stay Clean
Applying a residual herbicide early in the season minimizes the number of postemergence glyphosate applications in fields and provides growers with protection against early season weed competition when weather or workload prohibits a timely postemergence application.

Benefit No. 3 – Maximize Return On Investment
“When weeds hit your field, they threaten more than your yield,” said Bozeman. “They threaten the investment you’ve made in seed, fertilizer and other crop protection products, and they waste time and money that should go to other important areas.”

To help protect these investments and plan to gain control, go to AdvancedWeedControl.BASF.US and evaluate BASF weed control solutions based on geography, weed pressure and crop. Visitors to the site will find product and weed control strategy recommendations that combine to build an effective program, such as application tips for herbicide stewardship and maximum performance or prioritizing fields for a preemerge residual herbicide to manage tough weeds.

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