New Varieties Offer More Resistance, Greater Yields

amanda huber
Amanda Huber,
Peanut Grower Editor

We are now into the second month of 2021, and that means it is time for the annual Peanut Grower Variety Guide. Planting and growing conditions in 2020 pushed crop harvest late into the year. Still, peanut breeders and state Extension specialists were able to pull data together quickly enough to include in this issue.

The guide covers all four market types, some of which have data from more than one region, and even includes recommendations for organic production. Producers are always encouraged to plant more than one variety.

Newer varieties offer more options for disease resistance or suppression. Root-knot nematode resistance continues to evolve with newer cultivars TifNV-HighO/L and NemaTAM II. The latter is a variety developed by Texas A&M AgriLife Research as a replacement for Webb with equal or better yield, increased grades and better harvestability.

The best variety choice is one that will achieve a rapid, uniform stand and provide good yield and grade over a wide range of growing conditions. Variety selection is one of the most important decisions in peanut crop production. The guide begins on page 12.

Also in this issue is an article by Madison Thornhill, a University of Georgia graduate who worked at Omega Peanut Co. as logistics operations manager for the 2020 season. In “A Tale Of Two Crops,” Thornhill contrasts the increase in peanut demand against the stagnation in cotton prices. She also writes about the challenges buying points have in upgrading facilities to match the harvest capabilities of producers today. This article can be found on page 10.

Hopefully, you will be virtually attending a production meeting for your area for further recommendations for the coming year. I know we are all hoping we can meet in person by the time summer meetings roll around.

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